@Gyerg4(@GayleYergeau) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Once again, GOP proves they are INCAPABLE OF GOVERNING. Just as TrumpsterFire is INCAPABLE OF BEING A PRESIDENT FOR ALL!

RRK74(@RRLK74) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rayne' MichaelRapaport or you could actually READ the facts. trumpsterfire is going to gut this country if he has a chance, and you dont even realize he is going to fuck you too, assuming you are not filthy rich


RRK74(@RRLK74) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Maggie LaPointe trumpsterfire is going to gut us. If anyone needs talking points just ask any republicans if they are aware of the gop budget…whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/…

Brie(@Brie82274214) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Eric Trump How much does your daddy pay his lawyer? Orange Turd takes about 2 seconds to say and she said it multiple times in cross.... just wondering how much it cost Trumpsterfire to hear his lawyer call him that at trial?

RRK74(@RRLK74) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rob Rholiman Glenn Kirschner why dont you leave if you think this is a 3rd world country? gave all your money to the trumpsterfire? if you even had any…trump only loves the uneducated right?

Steve Scheetz🦉He / Him(@cz85b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Roger Mayhem I voted Republican.. cult leader Donald Trumpsterfire.

although a case could be made, (and I never thought I would be living in a universe where I would say this)

Libertarian party and cult leader Donald Trumpsterfire.

Steve Scheetz🦉He / Him(@cz85b) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The REAL Libertarian Party I find myself wondering what the Trumpsterfire must be contemplating at the thought of possibly losing a POTUS debate to a dude whose brain eating worm starved to death....

Stephanie â“‹oltolin(@SAVoltolin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#2hogfanwps They're both odious.

This tweet is about Hillary insulting students protesting genocide though.

It's not all about Trumpsterfire all the time.
