Rob Cardella(@RobertoCardel18) 's Twitter Profile Photo

• @greenpea___ This octopus lived in hell from the moment it was taken away from the sea most probably trapped in a pot 👺

Now two assholes are harassing him/her to get the poor animal in a plastic bag 😡

let them live their lives

Marc Pieterse (⧖) 🌱✌️☮️(@PieterseMarc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This scumbag tortured and murdered this fish by hooking and hoisting his victim from the deep 👺

The swim bladder came out because there was no time to accommodate for lower pressure

= &

don’t be part of this

Marc Pieterse (⧖) 🌱✌️☮️(@PieterseMarc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

These fish suffered tremendously 💔

They literally exploded by being pulled out from great depth

Eyes and intestines popped out due to baro trauma

Terrible way to die

= &



Marc Pieterse (⧖) 🌱✌️☮️(@PieterseMarc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A local fish morgue 👺

Big sharks on the floor

A fish monger showing another victim

Sharks are guardians and scaffolds of ecosystems
When they go it all collapses

if you love life 🙏

Rob Cardella(@RobertoCardel18) 's Twitter Profile Photo

• @marc_galapagos At the local fish market 😱

Many shark species are endangered

If they go ..whole ecosystems collapse

In fact they are collapsing already

So if you kill a shark you kill more animals

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Eléonore Bergamo Di Bertrandi part à Venise(@FLoli64986071) 's Twitter Profile Photo

La réalité dans votre assiette !
La diversité
L'espèce perdue
C'est hors de tout contrôle
Nous nous détruisons nous-mêmes

Et nous continuons à ravager notre vie océanique
> éviter 🙏

Rob Cardella(@RobertoCardel18) 's Twitter Profile Photo

• @marc_galapagos Just like a pinball machine ..playing with life

The longer we play this game the more it will cost us

The final price will be unaffordable

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Fiorella Arcodia 🌿𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧 🐑💚☮️(@FiorellaArcodi1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MI raccomando.. continuate a mangiare 🐟 pesce
Danno inutile arrecato ad un essere innocente e indifeso

Perché la gente non lo vede?

Perché sono così egoisti?

non fare del male
