Grindz TV (@Grindz_TV) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Damn Father Crime! Let Black people know how you really feel about them without telling them‼️ Congratulations ‼️ You keep playing yourselves‼️ 🤦🏿‍♂️💀🤷🏿‍♂️ IsARacist

No Sheep 🇺🇲(@CRYPTOSDRAGON9) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Standin for the flag against Protestors is equal . No hate speeches just 'Death to🇺🇲' Death to Israel' NAACP. I see this statement and I'm screaming what about ? The man last called for segregation in 1991!! Wake up Black Americans NAACP isn't for us only them

Common Cent$(@Common_Cent1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Is this because Joe Biden found out they weren’t voting for him? Are we surprised? He’s showed us time and time again that he’s a piece of 💩

Comrade S 🏴🏳️‍⚧️(@StheComrade) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aaron Rupar Alejandra Caraballo Idk Biden and liberals like yourself seem really comfortable being on the same side as Trumpers, Far-right conspiracy theorists, and racist white mobs.
But what can u expect from…
