Mary(@Mary47234381) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sad state of affairs for teachers around the country and will not solve their problems 😔 😢 😞 😕 😪…

CEEP(@soeceep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Who actually uses ? Is it poor families fleeing underperforming public schools, or a subsidy for wealthy families already in private schools? New review cuts past the claims and looks at the evidence.…

Inverted Pyramid(@DemByBirth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

have been a con from the jump. A cudgel useful for beating on overworked, unappreciated teachers who had the temerity to form … gasp … unions.

HEAL Together(@healschools) 's Twitter Profile Photo

THREAD: New report reveals that Pennsylvania's taxpayers are funneling almost $470 million to voucher programs that fund expensive schools attended by wealthy families & that discriminate against students.…

AZ Democrats LD14(@LD14Democrats) 's Twitter Profile Photo

go to wealthy areas at highest rates, study finds…

We are all paying taxes for rich families to go to private schools.

This really must end.

Senator Bulworth(@senatorbulworth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Breanna Morello What's interesting is that if 'only' 10% of 's 8th graders were proficient in reading, the salary increase demand would increase. Do second round demands include gender affirming surgery or rent-a-womb? Nan "MAGA Republican" Hayworth, M.D.

Bean(@Bean76353957) 's Twitter Profile Photo

everyday I see posts like this with religious entities abusing children. In addition, Private schools can discriminate against any child they do not want.

Tom van Lamoen(@tom_lamoen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Razumann4 🌍 Gaia of the Universe 🌍 Die zijn er dus steeds meer. Echter geen subsidie. Dus betalen die ouders dubbel of kind is thuiszitter.

De macht van subsidie moet gestopt worden. Schoolvouchers en helemaal uitfaseren.

Gwynnie(@coocooley) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If private schools get public money - ie, vouchers- shouldn’t they be held to the same regulations and requirements as public schools? Serious question.

Tom van Lamoen(@tom_lamoen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

hoeah Schoolsysteem is een monopolie van staatssubsidies.

Kijk naar de totale begroting en aantal leerlingen. Het geld klotst tegen de muren maar blijft hangen bij managers die managers managen.

Concurrentie is nodig tussen schoolsystemen. Dus iets als schoolvouchers.
