takuma(@takuma290) 's Twitter Profile Photo





Veronyze(@veronyze) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Algo tan inofensivo como la pierna de un par de pantalones de pijama podría haber terminado definitivamente con la vida de este cachorro.

'No solo es el plástico el que mata; cualquier cosa que no provenga del océano no debería estar en el océano. Punto.'

Veronyze(@veronyze) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Más de 650,000 animales marinos, como delfines, ballenas, focas y tortugas, resultan heridos o mueren en redes de pesca cada año. Aquí hay un triste video de un cachalote atrapado en una red, el segundo incidente en las islas Eolias en Italia.

H Fisk Johnson, Ph.D.(@HFiskJohnson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Recent dive was tragic reminder how plastic waste is disrupting ocean ecosystems. There’s no easy solution, but with initiatives such as @scjohnson’s partnership with @plasticbank, we can help tackle this crisis.

Mindful Ocean Metaverse(@MindfulOceanNFT) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🦎🌊 GA! Marine iguanas in the Galápagos Islands are unique creatures that have mastered the art of sea foraging! These incredible reptiles are the only iguanas in the world known to dive into the ocean to feed on algae. 💙💙💙

Miracle of the Sea(@MiracleOfTheSea) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For 🌎our oceans 🌊 are top of mind.

Our parent company, MBET, is active in kelp reforestation research and development as well as other ocean conservation initiatives.

U+ Education(@UPlusEducation) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Saying a BIG 'No' to the single-use plastics today! 🚫🥤🎉 Join the wave this National , because every little change can make a mighty ocean. 🌊🌍💙 '

Carlota Domínguez(@CarlDominguez95) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Momento impresionante en el que se pueden observar tiburones peregrinos en la costa de . Estos enormes filtradores, siendo el segundo pez más grande del océano, frecuentan estas aguas ricas en nutrientes para alimentarse de plancton.

Cade Museum(@cademuseum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We've opened an exciting new exhibit called Turning Tides: Save the Ocean Through Invention! Since the planet's surface is 70% covered by the ocean, it only makes sense for us to pursue 'green' living by going blue. 🌊

Climate Comms(@Climate_Comms) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our vibrant coral reefs are turning ghostly white in the fourth global bleaching event in 30 years!

It's time to to safeguard our precious ecosystems.

OceanProtectionLeague(@OceanProtectL) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Inhumane destruction is rapidly leading to the extinction of sharks.
Sharks are apex predators and if they die, the oceans will die.
If the ocean dies, humans will perish as well.
OceanProtectionLeague ning buff.ly/4abdSz8

Inhumane destruction is rapidly leading to the extinction of sharks.  
Sharks are apex predators and if they die, the oceans will die. 
If the ocean dies, humans will perish as well.  
@OceanProtectL #SaveTheOcean #ocean #beach #sharkfin #sharkfinning buff.ly/4abdSz8
Mindful Ocean Metaverse(@MindfulOceanNFT) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌿🌊Mangrove forests provide critical habitats for a wide variety of marine life, including fish, crustaceans, and birds. They also serve as natural barriers against coastal erosion and storm surges. Let's protect and preserve them!💙💙💙

Veronyze(@veronyze) 's Twitter Profile Photo

En el buceo, encontrar una rinopía es como descubrir un tesoro escondido. Son codiciadas en encuentros macro debido a su extrema rareza.
Difíciles de reproducir en cautiverio, su captura en la naturaleza es insostenible.

🎥 Luca Keller

PRIMUS Project(@PrimusProjectEu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Global Goals Plastic waste is a major environmental threat, harming wildlife and ecosystems. The PRIMUS Project tackles this challenge by promoting efficient and sustainable plastic utilization, aiming to reduce the accumulation of non-recycled or underutilized plastic.

@GlobalGoalsUN Plastic waste is a major environmental threat, harming wildlife and ecosystems. The @PrimusProjectEu tackles this challenge by promoting efficient and sustainable plastic utilization, aiming to reduce the accumulation of non-recycled or underutilized plastic. #savetheocean
Mindful Ocean Metaverse(@MindfulOceanNFT) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌊🐠Male jawfish are awesome! They protect their eggs by carrying them in their mouths until they hatch. This nurturing behavior showcases the incredible dedication of these underwater fathers. Join us on Discord: discord.gg/854eN7fq

Mindful Ocean Metaverse(@MindfulOceanNFT) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌊🐋GM! Ever heard of whale falls? When a whale dies and sinks, it creates a unique ecosystem on the ocean floor, supporting a diverse community of deep-sea creatures. 💙💙💙

🌊🐋GM! Ever heard of whale falls? When a whale dies and sinks, it creates a unique ecosystem on the ocean floor, supporting a diverse community of deep-sea creatures. 💙💙💙 #MindfulOcean #OceanTrivia #SavetheOcean