🌿• Sammi •🌿(@temultuouspanic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Laura Bailey is beauty and grace, and she will burp in your face.

I still can’t get over how the first two burps sound almost EXACTLY the same.

Security Trybe(@SecurityTrybe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

20 FREE Softwares/Tools For Cybersecurity Professionals/Enthusiasts

1. Kali Linux - Operating System
2. Wireshark - Network Protocol Analyzer
3. Nmap - Port Scan
4. Burp Suite - Web Hacking
5. Gophish - Open Source Phishing Toolkit
6. Aircrack-ng - Wi-Fi Security
7. Have I…

Security Trybe(@SecurityTrybe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

10 Vulnerable Environments to Practice and Refine your Hacking Skills

1. Burp site
2. bWAPP
3. Google Gruyère
4. Damn Vulnerable iOS App (DVIA)
5. Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA)
6. Try2Hack
7. Metasploitable 2
8. WebGoat
9. Wireshark
10. OverTheWire

⚢ brook enthusiast(@favsoulking) 's Twitter Profile Photo

the funniest thing for me when brook farts or burps is not the act itself but like why and how is he doing it, how this is even possible, i don't know for some reason for me this is the height of humor

TheSecMaster(@TheSecMaster1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

30 tools used by white hat hackers:
1. Nmap
2. Wireshark
3. Metasploit Framework
4. Burp Suite
5. OpenVAS
6. Aircrack-ng
7. John the Ripper
8. Hydra
9. SQLMap
11. Nikto
12. DirBuster
13. Gobuster
14. Hashcat
15. Snort
16. tcpdump
17. Nessus
18. OpenSSH
19. PuTTY

𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬(@EnesSaltk7) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Modified my JSLinkfinderv2 Burp suite extension which is clone of the original InitRoot's BurpJSLinkFinder and now it's available for community edition.

Modified my JSLinkfinderv2 Burp suite extension which is clone of the original InitRoot's BurpJSLinkFinder and now it's available for community edition.