Henry Rosolowski(@HRosolowski) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Howard Levitt: Government's capitalution on PSAC strike will cast a long shadow over private sector. financialpost.com/fp-work/psac-s…

Sasha May(@Daily_Obs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Good article on the issues concerning precedent setting collective agreement increases.


National Post(@nationalpost) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Howard Levitt: Government's capitalution on PSAC strike will cast a long shadow over private sector financialpost.com/fp-work/psac-s…

University of Waterloo Staff Association(@UWStaffAssoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'Requiring managers to make decisions on an individual level will force them to explain why employees cannot work remotely.' vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/did-the-psac-s…

Deanna Parker(@Dashiebakes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Eastern Shore Squirrel 🐳🇨🇦🍁♿️👩‍👧 I know with the PSAC strike too the longer the strike they lessened how many picket lines we had to choose from so that we would have more people at the picket lines that where open, might be an approach they are going to start to take

Financial Post(@financialpost) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Howard Levitt: Government's capitalution on PSAC strike will cast a long shadow over private sector financialpost.com/fp-work/psac-s…

Golfgearpro(@GolfgearproCo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

👏🤩The path of the golf swing takeaway is directly affected by the grip.
Improve grip control & swing stability to achieve the perfect golf swing with Golf Grip Training Aid!

CS19 (Ken)(@CSrocketman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Capitulation on PSAC strike will cast a long shadow on private sector (Ottawa Citizen), May 20, 2023
Now you see why I have the opinion of government workers that I do! epaper.ottawacitizen.com/article/282467…

chris sterlin (@🏡)(@GBSNoMorePeyton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

More Financial Post whining. Unions bad wahhhh! Workers want livable wages wahhhh! How will overpaid CEOs survive wahhhh!

Howard Levitt: Government's capitalution on PSAC strike will cast a long shadow over private sector. financialpost.com/fp-work/psac-s…

Brittney Thorburn(@BrittneyThorbu1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Howard Levitt: Government's capitalution on PSAC strike will cast a long shadow over private sector financialpost.com/fp-work/psac-s…

J(@bballthinking) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ewan Ross Ya. And things may take a bit longer.
Mail has been slow of late (things were not quick during PSAC strike/issues) and the long weekend didn't help either.

HybridRemoteWork.com(@HybridRemotewrk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PSAC strike day 10: Negotiations on pay, remote work go on | CTV News.
Workers in Canada’s largest federal public service union are hitting the picket lines for the 10th day as negotiations continue. This content was originally published here.
So postly.app/2kTC

BritishNorthAmerican(@british_north) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Howard Levitt: Government's capitulation on PSAC strike will cast a long shadow over private sector financialpost.com/fp-work/psac-s… via @

Retrieval Cloud+(@TonyChiaroscuro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Duane Dawson We have to be careful with thinking like this to avoid the Rule of the Mob mental trap.
Prime examples
- the freedom convoy was a minority position regardless of how you slice it
- the psac strike also a minority position

Better to attack the idea and not rely on ad populum

Charles Smith(@ProfSmithSask) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Oh look, the 'unions bad, should never strike, here's a Fraser Institute study...' nonsense from Howard Levitt.
Also, there isn't a labour shortage, there's a good jobs shortage.
