James Bountrogiannis ✝ BSc, MTS(@SpeakeasyJames) 's Twitter Profile Photo

100% Lex nails it!

because he is corrupt to the core and JT is so narcissistic that injuring children with an experimental gene therapy does not impact his conscience. Dark hearted evil creep does not have a human conscience.

Wide Awake Media(@wideawake_media) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Klaus Schwab Has Infiltrated The Governments Of The World

According to Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former vice president at Pfizer, the leaders of most G20 countries, including Merkel, Macron, Trudeau and many others, are working to further the interests of Klaus Schwab and the WEF, at…

5DME81(@5dme81) 's Twitter Profile Photo

😡Trudeau😡 got his liberal goons to strample & freeze bank accounts to peaceful protestors in Ottawa who want freedom - but Trudeau didnt send out the goons for the n@ked man at Gay Pride for freedom.


😡Trudeau😡 got his liberal goons to strample & freeze bank accounts to peaceful protestors in Ottawa who want freedom - but Trudeau didnt send out the goons for the  n@ked man at Gay Pride for freedom. 

Michael P Senger(@michaelpsenger) 's Twitter Profile Photo

UK chief scientist Chris Whitty, who advised politicians that millions would die if they didn’t implement a strict COVID lockdown and terrify the public to comply, argues scientific advisors shouldn’t be blamed because politicians suggested the lockdown.

Dr. Arrabbiata Pepper(@PazzoArrabbiata) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Has there ever been a more lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit than Trudeau?

Dion Klitzke(@DionKlitzke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hard to believe how many people are still going along pretending that the government, health Canada, Big pharma and the WEF didn't collude to steal your wealth and kill you!

Hard to believe how many people are still going along pretending that the government, health Canada, Big pharma and the WEF didn't collude to steal your wealth and kill you!
Pegasus(@DegenWoke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dr Jordan B Peterson Yea, and Trudough says he did not force anyone to get vaccinated.

He only made us choose putting food on the table for our families or getting the jab.

Lex Jurgen(@Lex_Jurgen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ZUBY: Roxanne Hoge As a libertarian I was fine with people choosing their own levels of reaction and even advocating others take hyper cautious responses. It was the government mandates that were the offense. Denying others that same right to choose for themselves. It’s always that.

“Sudden And Unexpected”(@toobaffled) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another Canadian Doctor to add to the list.
Over 150 Doctors that we know of have Died since Hospitals Mandated 💉☠️
They too were sold the illusion that it was Safe and Effective .
How many more Doctors and Nurses fell for it, and how many more need to die before they speak out

Another Canadian Doctor to add to the list.
Over 150 Doctors that we know of have Died since Hospitals Mandated 💉☠️
They too were sold the illusion that it was Safe and Effective .
How many more Doctors and Nurses fell for it, and how many more need to die before they speak out
Adam B. Coleman, President of Aintblackistan(@wrong_speak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I guess when my wife was one day from being fired from her job for not getting vaccinated, she wasn't being forced.

She had a 'choice' of unemployment as the alternative. Got it.

I guess when my wife was one day from being fired from her job for not getting vaccinated, she wasn't being forced. 

She had a 'choice' of unemployment as the alternative. Got it.
Kevin Bass PhD MS(@kevinnbass) 's Twitter Profile Photo

March 29, 2021. Rochelle Walensky, Director of CDC, infamously declared on MSNBC: 'Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick.'

New emails obtained by FOIA from Jan 30, 2021 now show that Walensky knew this was a lie at the time she said it.


Curtis Hebert(@CurtisHebert) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ketchup Kerry gets a taste of his own medicine when he gets accused of hypocrisy. Kerry says that the US invaded Iraq on a lie.

Kerry’s climate change hoax is also based on a lie. A lie to control our lives while the globalists tax the 💩out of people.

